Digitálny repozitár FHV UNIZA

DSpace is the world leading open source repository platform that enables organisations to:

  • easily ingest documents, audio, video, datasets and their corresponding Dublin Core metadata
  • open up this content to local and global audiences, thanks to the OAI-PMH interface and Google Scholar optimizations
  • issue permanent urls and trustworthy identifiers, including optional integrations with handle.net and DataCite DOI

Join an international community of leading institutions using DSpace.

The test user accounts below have their password set to the name of this software in lowercase.

  • Demo Site Administrator = dspacedemo+admin@gmail.com
  • Demo Community Administrator = dspacedemo+commadmin@gmail.com
  • Demo Collection Administrator = dspacedemo+colladmin@gmail.com
  • Demo Submitter = dspacedemo+submit@gmail.com
Photo by @inspiredimages


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Nedávné příspěvky

King Who Lives Everything
(NGO n.o., 2023) Ďurec, Róbert
"The King Who Lives Everything" takes you on a journey where a powerful monarch confronts the limitations of his rule and discovers profound truths about life, death, and the essence of being. Experience the emotional highs and lows as the king grapples with the consequences of his actions and seeks redemption.
Kráľ, ktorý všetkého má
(NGO n. o., 2023) Ďurec, Róbert
Kráľ, ktorý všetkého má, je príbeh o kráľovi, ktorý mal všetko hmotné, ale na niečo zabudol. Zabudol žiť. Uvedomil si to až v okamihu, keď zomiera. Vydáva sa na cestu a hľadá zmysel svojho života. V knihe nájdete mnoho myšlienok a postrehov, ktoré pri svojom hľadaní objavil. Táto malá útla knižka je ideálna pre dospelých - je iba na 15 minút čítania. Kniha vyhrala 2. miesto v súťaži Kniha Horného Považia 2023 v kategórii Beletria.
Sprievodca licenciami Creative Commons
(2021-06) Austin, Ellen a kol.
Táto príručka „Sprievodca [nielen] licenciami Creative Commons pre autorov monografií z oblasti humanitných a spoločenských vied“ je slovenský upravený preklad príručky: Austin, Ellen & Milloy, Caren & Stone, Graham & Baker, James & Eve, Martin & Priego, Ernesto. (2013). Guide to Creative Commons for humanities and social science monograph authors (https://www.researchgate.net/publication/ 266734689_Guide_to_Creative_Commons_for_humanities_and_social_science_monograph_authors), sprístupnenej pod licenciou Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License CC BY. Tento sprievodca skúma obavy, ktoré výskumníci, učené spoločnosti a vydavatelia verejne vyjadrili na hodine otázok v Dolnej snemovni a v Snemovni lordov, ako aj obavy, ktoré sformulovali vedci zapojení do projektu OAP-EN-UK [Open Access Publishing in European Networks]. Zároveň sme identifikovali najčastejšie otázky a pripravili odpovede, ktoré posudzovali odborníci vrátane expertov zo spoločnosti Creative Commons. Naším cieľom bolo vytvoriť príručku, ktorá by bola re-levantná a užitočná pre akade-mických pracovníkov, ktorí sa denne musia rozhodovať, ako a kde publikovať, preto jej editormi sú aktívni vedci a výskumníci.
DSpace 7 Benefits : Is It Worth Upgrading?
(Information Technology and Libraries, 2024-09-18) Formanek, Matúš
This study discusses the importance of the DSpace open-source software that supports numerous digital libraries and repositories around the world. With the release of DSpace version 7, a natural question that arises is whether the new version offers enough new functionalities to motivate system administrators to upgrade. This paper briefly describes the most important changes, including new features and bug fixes, included in DSpace 7.4 and prior minor versions. The next parts of this paper explore our estimate that there are several thousand DSpace-based systems globally that will likely have to be upgraded in the near future. The main reason for this need is that older versions of DSpace (including 5.x) have reached the end of their developer support period or are reaching it in mid-2023. Based on our own upgrade experience, we propose suggestions and recommendations on migrating from the previous DSpace 6.3-based environment to the new one in a case study that concludes this article.
How to run DSpace 7/8 on your own domain (with HTTPS enabled) - step by step manual
(2023) Formanek, Matúš
This guideline was prepared and tested for Ubuntu Server 24.04 LTS and DSpace 7.4 as well as DSpace 8 (backend,frontend). The author is Matus Formanek, PhD. - a researcher (Assistent Professor) in the Department of Mediamatics and Cultural Heritage, Faculty of Humanities, University of Zilina, Slovakia. If you have any comments or questions, do not hesitate to contact me at: e-mail: matus.formanek@fhv.uniza.sk I would like to express my special thanks to Mohammad S. AlMutairi who kindly helped me with many issues in this matter! Important note: If you want to run your DSpace 7 on own domain-name, you have to enable HTTPS on the backend - otherwise you won't be able to log in with your login. Login of all users (including admin) will not work.
Prezentačné video FHV UNIZA
(KMKD FHV Uniza, 2022) Lapšanský, Filip
Final cut - prezentačné video FHV UNIZA
(KMKD FHV Uniza, 2022) Homolík, Adam
Iba TAGofficial D21X
(KMKD FHV Uniza, 2022) Benková, Laura; Ďuriš, Denis
FHV UNIZA - Prezentačné video
(KMKD FHV Uniza, 2022) Kovácsová, Bianka; Farkašovská, Natália