Katedra mediamatiky a kultúrneho dedičstva
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Záznam Manažment v kocke(Katedra mediamatiky a kultúrneho dedičstva, Fakulta humanitných vied, Žilinská univerzita v Žiline, 2024-12-16) Šuteková, HenrietaZáznam KOMUNIKÁCIA v prostredí herných streamovacích platforiem a jej riziká(2024) Chládeková, DominikaZáznam DSpace 7 Benefits : Is It Worth Upgrading?(Information Technology and Libraries, 2024-09-18) Formanek, MatúšThis study discusses the importance of the DSpace open-source software that supports numerous digital libraries and repositories around the world. With the release of DSpace version 7, a natural question that arises is whether the new version offers enough new functionalities to motivate system administrators to upgrade. This paper briefly describes the most important changes, including new features and bug fixes, included in DSpace 7.4 and prior minor versions. The next parts of this paper explore our estimate that there are several thousand DSpace-based systems globally that will likely have to be upgraded in the near future. The main reason for this need is that older versions of DSpace (including 5.x) have reached the end of their developer support period or are reaching it in mid-2023. Based on our own upgrade experience, we propose suggestions and recommendations on migrating from the previous DSpace 6.3-based environment to the new one in a case study that concludes this article.Záznam How to run DSpace 7/8 on your own domain (with HTTPS enabled) - step by step manual(2023) Formanek, MatúšThis guideline was prepared and tested for Ubuntu Server 24.04 LTS and DSpace 7.4 as well as DSpace 8 (backend,frontend). The author is Matus Formanek, PhD. - a researcher (Assistent Professor) in the Department of Mediamatics and Cultural Heritage, Faculty of Humanities, University of Zilina, Slovakia. If you have any comments or questions, do not hesitate to contact me at: e-mail: matus.formanek@fhv.uniza.sk I would like to express my special thanks to Mohammad S. AlMutairi who kindly helped me with many issues in this matter! Important note: If you want to run your DSpace 7 on own domain-name, you have to enable HTTPS on the backend - otherwise you won't be able to log in with your login. Login of all users (including admin) will not work.Záznam Prezentačné video FHV UNIZA(KMKD FHV Uniza, 2022) Lapšanský, FilipZáznam Final cut - prezentačné video FHV UNIZA(KMKD FHV Uniza, 2022) Homolík, AdamZáznam Iba TAGofficial D21X(KMKD FHV Uniza, 2022) Benková, Laura; Ďuriš, DenisZáznam FHV UNIZA - Prezentačné video(KMKD FHV Uniza, 2022) Kovácsová, Bianka; Farkašovská, NatáliaZáznam INDED dataset - korešpondencia(KMKD FHV Uniza, 2020) kolektív autorovZáznam Solving SEO Issues in DSpace-based Digital Repositories(Information Technology and Libraries, 2021-03-19) Formanek, MatúšThis paper discusses the importance of search engine optimization (SEO) for digital repositories. We first describe the importance of SEO in the academic environment. Online systems, such as institutional digital repositories, are established and used to disseminate scientific information. Next, we present a case study of our own institution’s DSpace repository, performing several SEO tests and identifying the potential SEO issues through a group of three independent audit tools. In this case study, we attempt to resolve most of the SEO problems that appeared within our research and propose solutions to them. After making the necessary adjustments, we were able to improve the quality of SEO variables by more than 59% compared to the non-optimized state (a fresh installation of DSpace). Finally, we apply the same software audit tools to a sample of global institutional repositories also based on DSpace. In the discussion, we compare the SEO sample results with the average score of the semi-optimized DSpace repository (from the case study) and make conclusions.