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Záznam Digitálny repozitár ako terč kybernetického útoku(Ikaros, 2017) Formanek, Matúš; Zaborsky, MartinThis paper points out selected general security issues of digital repositories and some known means of cyber attacks initiated against them within the global network. In the theoretical introduction, the authors rely on expert studies and articles drawn to the established topic. By means of the case study method in particular academic environment and their own experience gained in dealing with security incident in the digital library environment running the Invenio system, authors describe the important aspects of a critical migration of the system from one server to another. In this process, it is necessary to ensure the transfer of digital library objects and metadata related to them. At the end, the paper provides professional public incentives and motives for creating disaster recovery plan, in case their digital library does not have any yet.Záznam Konkrétne prínosy inštitucionálneho repozitára vo vysokoškolskom akademickom prostredí(Ikaros, 2016) Formanek, MatúšIn this paper we summarize the results of the qualitative analysis carried out in 2015 in collaboration with twelve researchers from the University of Zilina, Slovakia. The primary part of the discussed research was focused on acquiring of the opinions about the specific usecases of the upcoming digital library, respectively institutional repository by the method of semistructured interviews with these participants. The results of this qualitative exploring show that there is a wide range of valuable electronic materials in this environment. Next, we point out the fact that the digital repository can be used in improving of mutual information exchange process and the processes of communication between scientists. Other advantages are: creating and sharing explicit knowledge base, the searching of heterogeneous information e-resources as well as providing efficient access to them. These and other mentioned examples can produce significant enhancement of the work of scientists, as well as ongoing educational processes. Although the research paper draws insights only from a particular university environment, it can suggest a picture of the current situation in the wider academic sphere.Záznam Slovenský preklad rozhrania XMLUI pre DSpace(KMKD FHV Uniza, 2016) Formanek, MatúšZáznam Katalógy historických knižníc – technické aspekty systému(MKD Revue, 2017) Formanek, MatúšČlánok stručne predstavuje open-source softvér DSpace, ktorý tvorí hlavnú aplikačnú vrstvu webového systému Katalógy historických knižníc. Ďalej popisuje mapovanie metadátových elementov, ako aj priebeh transformácie zozbieraných údajov o katalógoch do formátu vyhovujúcemu potrebám dávkového importu do DSpace. Predložený článok plní do istej miery aj úlohu používateľského manuálu, pričom sa zameriava predovšetkým na možnosti, s ktorými sa stretne bežný návštevník tohto webu.Záznam Uchovávanie digitálnych objektov a ich súčastí v prostrediach open-source systémov Invenio a DSpace(ITLib, 2016) Formanek, MatúšV predkladanom odbornom príspevku rozoberáme vybrané aspekty vonkajšej a vnútornej reprezentácie súčastí digitálnych objektov vo vybraných dvoch open-source systémoch. Do týchto systémov sme počas experimentu importovali zvolenú identickú elektronickú kolekciu, pozostávajúcu z viacerých textových, ako aj multimediálnych súborov. Následne v príspevku vzájomne, medzi skúmanými systémami, porovnávame metódy postupného prideľovania statických, vonkajších identifikátorov k novovzniknutým digitálnym objektom, v kontraste s dátovými štruktúrami ich systémovej vnútornej reprezentácie priamo v súborovom systéme unix-like servera.Záznam Web Interface Security Vulnerabilities of European Academic Repositories(LIBER Quarterly, 2017-02-24) Formanek, Matúš; Zaborsky, MartinThe given analysis summarizes the status quo of the level of security of web interfaces of selected European academic repositories in the field of library and information science. It focuses on the presence and qualities of the secure HTTPS protocol via SSL/TLS protocols. The security of the transmitted data is particularly important in the network environment of the Internet, especially if log-in user data is transmitted. Disclosure may have a direct impact on saved digital objects and their metadata which together represent the most valuable parts of systems of digital libraries and repositories. Furthermore, the paper points to the most noticeable vulnerabilities of protocols of web interfaces and presents practical recommendations for the expert public. These may contribute to the increase of the level of security of the discussed systems. The authors base their proposals on the currently available scientific publications and scientific articles about the given topic.