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Záznam Komparácia moderného a tradičného spôsobu percepcie informácií o vybraných objektoch kultúrneho dedičstva(Slovensky narodopis, 2020-04) Formanek, Matúš; Hnat, Adam; Filip, VladimirThis paper maps out the possibilities of using virtual and augmented reality in the context of virtual museums and galleries. In addition to the many advantages that virtual reality offers in new knowledge acquisition and presentation of cultural heritage objects, we also describe some possible disadvantages or problems directly related to this technology. Next, we try to find the answer to whether the presentation of selected objects of cultural heritage through virtual reality brings better results compared to the presentation in a traditional, museal form in the research part of the article. In conclusion, we summarise and present the results of the conducted research based on the statements of 138 students who participated in our testing.Záznam Podpora prostriedkov virtuálnej reality v procese prezentácie kultúrneho dedičstva(KMKD FHV Uniza, 2019-10-28) Formanek, Matúš; Filip, Vladimir; Hnat, AdamZáznam The progress of web security level related to European open access LIS repositories between 2016 and 2018(Italian Journal of Library, Archives, and Information Science (JLIS.it), 2019-05-15) Formanek, Matúš; Sustekova, Erika; Filip, VladimirThis article focuses on the development of European institutional repositories web security in the field of Library and Information Science (LIS). Since the first analysis in June 2016, we have been still using the same three independent online tools to measure the web security score of these repositories. In case of data transfer, the qualitative aspects of the secured HTTPS protocol are as important as implementing the protocol itself. Our analysis is directly related to the previously published article where we examined the selected group of LIS repositories. Now, we are focusing on the summarization of improvements made between 2016-2018. These are based on periodical annual measurements. These may contribute to increasing the security level of repositories not only in Europe, but also with respect to the GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) regulation which came into force a few months ago. It is significant because the GDPR focuses, inter alia, on the ways of sensitive data transfer over the internet networks